A Few Fascinating Chemicals and Electroplating Deposit Properties


Managing time with a data-driven approach offers incredible value in process management and customer service on electroplating and anodizing applications. Analytical data, awareness of chemicals and deposit properties with a historical context add value to engineers and aspiring scientists in the metal finishing field.

Spot and quick tests offer incredible insights for the metal finishing processes. What is a spot test? Are these tests reliable?

High temperature oxidation resistance is a valuable elemental and deposit property. What does it mean? Which elements possess this property? We will review the value of this physical property.

Surface and metal finishing offer a variety of options such as plating, anodizing, coloring of metals and electropolishing. Plating on several substrates such as plastic, steel, stainless steel, Invar, Kovar, nickel, aluminum, and titanium alloys are common. Elements like gold, silver, nickel, chromium, zinc and cadmium are plated. We choose the deposit based on consideration for cost, corrosion resistance and tribology properties.

Other than plating, we can electropolish and anodize metals such as stainless alloys. Applicators anodize on aluminum, magnesium, titanium, niobium, tantalum, etc.

Anodising is an electrolytic process in which we make an Al alloy anodic with a metal cathode on an acidic electrolyte. There are three classes of coating. We anodize with and without sealing.

This short paper explains which element to choose as deposit or substrate. It lists spot and quick tests available in the market. Review brightener chemistry and history. Discuss inhibitors, chemicals used for coloring metals and chromium conversion coatings.

Spot Tests


Several wet and instrumental analyses methods are used to conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of elements. The advantage of these methods are accuracy and data reliability. But these test methods are time consuming and some are expensive. When you need a quick feedback, consider conducting spot tests on deposits and effluents. The sensitivity of spot test reaction can be at ppm levels. Elements such as aluminum, stannous tin, gold, silver, iron, nickel, palladium, lead, zinc, cadmium, chromium and copper can be tested. Many of these tests can take less than 5 minutes.

We can detect heavy metals, hexavalent ions and cyanide content in the effluent. You can distinguish between cadmium or zinc plating deposits using spot tests.

Here is a list of some organic chemicals used for spot tests:

Diphenyl carbazone

Dimethyl glyoxime

Tri-ammonium aurine-tricarboxylate

Nitro-bruciquinone hydrate

p-Dimethylamino benzylidene rhodamine

diphenyl thiocarbozone


((1-2-Hydroxy-5-sulpho-phenyl)-3 phenyl-5-(2-carboxy-phenyl)-formzan) sodium salt


Refer to Chem Spider for further information on any chemicals.

For further information on spot tests, read the book – Analysis of Metal Finishing Effluents and Effluent Treatment Solutions. This is a book written by Duncan MacArthur, Fred Stevens, and G. W. Fischer.


Did you know tobacco and licorice were one of the earlier brighteners used? Several decades ago, or even a century back, the use of brighteners or additives were very limited. Even the awareness of organic brightener science did not exit. Like many inventions, use of organic chemicals as a brightener was an accident. Tobacco was one of earlier recorded chemical used as additive. More than a century ago a plating operator who had the habit of chewing tobacco drooled the juice onto a plating solution during electroplating. Later noticed that a plated lot had a brighter appearance. Further investigation revealed the brightness influence of tobacco on plating deposit.

People used licorice during earlier days. It had a presence in the industry for some time and even now to an extent. Licorice extract is a carbohydrate and its chemical name is glycyrrhizin. They used it as an additive.

The additive was prepared by weighing a known quantity of licorice root and steep in a boiling water until colour saturation occurred. For 100 L plating solution, 100 grams of root was steeped in 0.5 L of boiling water.

Pickling and acid activation are a very common process at a steel mill, metal foundry, and a metal finishing processing plant. Conditional on activation and deposition bonding requirements, a substrate such as copper alloys or steel alloys would require activation under strongly acidic conditions. Use of strong acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid can etch the substrates.

We commonly use sodium fluoride as an inhibitor. On picking applications, industry used antimony trioxide as an inhibitor.

Copper alloys such as brass tarnish in the presence of oxygen from atmosphere. Brass plated deposit do the same. An organic coating can prevent tarnish. Benzotriazole coating forms a thin layer in an immersion process, and the layer protects copper alloys from tarnish.

Brass plating is an alloy deposition process. The electromotive force potential of copper and zinc makes cyanide brass plating one of the most complex electrolytic processes. Attainment of a consistent and durable colour is tricky. Proper use of current density with an excellent choice of rectifier (IGBT or SCR) with an organic coating ensures great cosmetic appeal with durability.

We can also colour brass. One such colour is blue. An immersion process at high temperature in the presence of sodium sulphite and lead acetate colours brass substrates. Other than brass, we can colour stainless steel alloys using dichromate salts.

Yellow chromate on zinc deposit is one of the popular choices. We recognize the yellow chromate for brilliance of colour and corrosion protection. There is a subtle colour difference different between hexavalent and trivalent chromates. Chromates sometimes leaves iridescent finish. A protective coating similar to benzotriazole layer reduces iridescent streaks.  One can get a reddish tone on the yellow chromate formulation. Use of a sulfate ions and nitric acid offers a reddish yellow chromate finish.

Occasionally people refer to chromate or chromium plating as chroming. Chroming is a colloquial speech term and we prefer you avoid using informal terms to avoid confusion and for use of clear language communication. Hexavalent Cr and (cyanide) cadmium is listed by Registration Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). We now replace cadmium plating with zinc / nickel alloy. Sacrificial protection of cadmium under saline conditions are inimitable.

Deposit Properties

Observing electromotive force series of elements and their potentials (negative or positive / active or noble) suggests evidences on fascinating deposit, material or electrolyte properties. We are referring to properties such as high temperature oxidation resistance and conductivity.

Pilling and Bedworth conducted a seminal work on high temperature oxidatio

Chromium, tantalum, zirconium and gold possess exceptional high temperature oxidation resistance properties. What is high temperature oxidation resistance?

The volume of oxide is greater or lesser than the parent metal, it produces or cannot produce an effective protective property.

What does a reference to protective property mean? It refers to the formation of an oxide layer, such as tantalum oxide, chromium oxide and zirconium oxide on the metal or the deposit. The refractory metals offer oxidation resistance up to ~ 600ºF. Oxidation and healing property are the principal reason hexavalent hard chromium plated components had gained wide popularity. Many applications of aerospace and automotive industries require components to posses tribological properties at a higher temperature. Wear, lubrication, and friction are such examples. The oxides can re-form and withstand high temperatures during these mechanical transformations. Tantalum, zirconium, niobium, and chromium metals are a few among the best to possess such a property. Other than oxidation properties, these elements are susceptible to corrosion resistance from acids, alkalis, organic media and other reagents. We measure high temperature oxidation in ratio and Pilling – Bedworth (PB) ratio of corrosion resistant metals range between 0 and 4. Higher the number better the corrosion resistance. PB ratio is the ratio of the metal oxide volume divided by the metal volume. Chromium PB ratio is 2. All chromium electroplating deposits do not have the same corrosion resistance properties. Corrosion resistance of decorative Cr plating is because of nickel undercoat. Most hard chromium deposit do not have any corrosion resistance. However, a few formulations containing fluoride ions in the electrolyte possess high corrosion resistance. Some hard-hexavalent Cr deposits pass 500 hours of neutral salt spray test (NSST). We mainly attribute the variations to formulation, processing, and process control.

Other than refractory metals, precious metals such as gold plating deposit possess high temperature oxidation resistance. Industry uses gold plated components on space applications because of high temperature oxidation resistance, conductivity, high surface stability, high resistance to tarnish, and chemical corrosion. Both trivalent and monovalent salts are used to deposit gold from electrolytes. Precious metals like gold, silver and palladium can be plated on several substrates such as stainless steel, Kovar, Inconel, magnesium, aluminum and titanium alloys efficaciously.

Besides lightweight, the stubborn oxide layer makes aluminum and titanium alloys indispensable in our daily lives.

Previous paragraph mentioned about the conductivity of deposit. What about electrolyte conductivity? Change of ion activities with concentration affects electrolyte conductivity. Understanding interionic attraction theory of electrolytes are essential to improve conductivity.


Whether you are an engineer or a research scientist, understanding element and deposit properties, electrolyte capabilities and limitations, and vitality of unique chemicals are important. A process design engineer with a good understanding on these characteristics can design products with superior corrosion and tribological properties. The matters covered in this paper such as high temperature oxidation resistance can help a designer identify suitable metal as substrate and a deposit.

We identify some chemicals listed in this paper as hazardous or carcinogen per Registration Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). REACH is a European Union regulation. You can also find additional information on carcinogens by visiting the website of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) under the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Observing regulatory compliance and identifying risk mitigation plan will drive an organization’s governance.

REACH, quality demand, and customer requirement will call for a transformed focus on a few facets such as colouring of metals, plating solution additives, chromium conversion coating and anodizing. An ardent electroplating specialist must consider all the services, test methods and fundamental concepts.

A leader must prepare electroplating companies to manage complex processes. An agile metal finishing organization aiming to survive even under adverse conditions shall be data driven, ensure speed of business is appreciable, work faster, and inculcate easy-to-use test methods. We know many that plating companies who are not data driven do not grow or adapt to developing changes.

Spot testing of effluent, electrolyte or deposit is an under used method, and will help gather data with speed and ease. Other quick tests like pH measurement, specific gravity, litmus, refractometer, and profilometer are all easy and inexpensive. This do not mean volumetric and instrumental analysis offer less value. Both methods are vital for many electroplating operations. The choice depends on their technical ability, product testing requirements and financial capability. The examples of these instruments are atomic absorption spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, induced couple plasma (ICP), x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence and electron microprobe analysis. We use these units for elemental analysis at lower concentration with a top-level accuracy. XRD and EPMA can detect light elements such as lithium, oxygen and carbon with an outstanding repeatability and reproducibility.

We deliberated chemicals, methods, properties, and data driven approach. Cognizance of these matters without a long-term analysis and reaction plan is not noteworthy!  Consider use of run chart, control chart and Process Development and Control (PDC) tools with a visual dashboard.

Readers can find a value on other short papers written on this page previously. Please read articles on electrode potential, IGBT and SCR power supplies, current distribution, throwing power, periodic table, Time Change Management (TCM), Process Development & Control (PDC) tools, and communication. A complex electrolysis process requires a multidimensional approach on disciplines such as science, mathematics, technology and management. There are many vital aspects involved in this field such as automation, process control, business development methodologies, and so on. Fundamentals, laws, equations, and concepts govern electrolysis. Though not needed on a day-to-day basis, these are important to be aware and apply. Discipline, observation, data, patterns, and behaviors are critical for one to succeed at a higher level. Though there will be a scientific explanation for all outputs, one needs to treat the work as art! This is imperative because of our limitations – time and knowledge. Hence, at Advint we offer on guidance on subjects related to laboratory practices, equipment engineering, automation, productivity, lean, statistical process control (SPC) tools, and management. Advint’s virtual Electroplating Training explains all these subjects comprehensively.

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How to Use DC Rectifiers to Make a Profound Change in Electroplating


Achieve a profound change in electroplating process control by asking inquisitive questions. Use emotional intelligence with curiosity, be intuitive, lay emphasis on quality over cost, and maximize human and automation potentials.

Who does not want to advance their process performance? If we can improve the process without adding cost it is a windfall, correct? Maximizing automation of power supplies on electroplating, anodizing and electropolishing metal finishing applications is one such method. Automation helps process control. Above automation comes intuitive mind. Intuition is a derived from knowledge and experience. You ought to combine intuition with equipment capability. In this short paper we will review functions, capabilities and advantages of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switch mode rectifier and silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR).


Einstein nurtured his intuition from his experience of working as a patent clerk while developing his theory of Special Relativity. His presence of mind and theoretical knowledge were instrumental in his brilliant work. Intuition and experience also played a significant role. Likewise, you can use your keen and meticulous observation skills, creativity, innovative mind, knowledge and experience to automate your plating and other metal finishing processes. Managing desires and possessing a non conforming mindset are nuts and bolts to achieve this trait.

Combine this attribute with knowledge in automation and on capabilities such as ampere hour reading and application of current during electrolysis for the finest results. Required capabilities for processes such as anodizing of aluminum, hexavalent or trivalent hard chrome plating, nickel and cadmium plating vary because of electrolytic conditions and electrode potentials.


Start with questions!

What are the automation opportunities?

Which option makes available the most benefit with less cost and complication?

Automating DC power supply is one of the best choices in an electrolytic process. An excellent choice on a rectifier allows the cathode to receive optimal current. Note, there is a difference between applied and received current. One can read previous articles in this page on current distribution, throwing and covering powers.

A rectifier with RS 485 and 4-20mA analog signal capability and ampere hour (AHR) meter can enable metering of process chemicals during electrolysis. Who doesn’t want consistent output quality? We must reduce variations within input variables to get the desired output quality. Among input variables, there are parameters which vary by electrolysis and others vary primarily because of drag in and drag out of chemicals. It is pertinent to account for both types of variables. Rectifier, PLC and metering system can be programmed ingeniously to realize this aim.

With power supplies, begin by choosing between IGBT switch mode or SCR thyristor DC rectifiers. Ripple factor, unit weight, voltage and amperage accuracy are better with the IGBT rectifier. Ripple is a measure of purity of DC output of a rectifier. Many electrolytic processes, especially precious metals plating like gold and silver plating, are sensitive to a higher ripple percentage. When a SCR rectifier is used at a lower amperage than the rated capacity of a rectifier, ripple is high. Whereas with IGBT rectifiers, ripple factor is consistent and independent of DC output voltage. Digital control allows increased longevity with less maintenance of rectifier and comes with a very high accuracy. When compared with SCR thyristor rectifiers, IGBT power supplies possess higher efficiency and power saving capability.

In a nutshell, by choosing IGBT rectifier you choose better technology, save space and power, improve accuracy resolution and accuracy, and negate the effect of ripple factor. Use of RS485 MODBUS protocol can integrate with programmable logic controller (PLC) and control current, dosing systems and enable trickle current mode at the start of the process.

An Idea in Brief


Achieve a profound change in electroplating process control by asking inquisitive questions. Use emotional intelligence with curiosity, be intuitive, lay emphasis on quality over cost, and maximize human and automation potentials. 

We can automate hoist, process sequences, filtration and dosing systems, and rectifiers technologies with this outlook. A splendid choice of DC power supply is important. Both IGBT and SCR rectifiers offer unique advantages depending on the electrolytic process. Aluminum and hydrogen electrolysis, electrowinning and electroforming requirements differ from that of electroplating, anodizing and electropolishing. We recommend considering your process requirements with the capabilities of IGBT and SCR rectifiers.

On precious metals plating, applications distinguish between applied and actual current. Due cognizance can affect the consistency of deposit thickness and the deposit characteristics. When sourcing a rectifier, consider buying from reputed a manufacturer who conducts active research and continuously improves on their design and functionality.

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Cyanide Ions and Coordination in Electroplating | Advint Incorporated


Cyanide based electrolytes of silver and copper deposits possess excellent throwing power property.

None of the nickel or chromium electroplating electrolytes contain cyanide ions.

The paper discusses the polarization, coordination chemistry, and thermodynamic reasons for these phenomena.

Did you ever think about why nickel does not possess a simple cyanide-based plating electrolyte? Why can’t we electrolyze a nickel cyanide salt [Ni (CN2)] to get a deposit? Won’t a cyanide nickel electrolyte with a good active polarization and throwing power property be of use?

We will deliberate the evidences of asking these questions.

Cyanide based electrolytes such as silver and copper deposits possess excellent throwing power. Copper possesses good leveling characteristics, while nickel without organic molecules has negative throwing power. Bright nickel with class 1 and 2 brighteners can get a uniform deposit on the cathode, but it is not comparable with copper.

Coordination chemistry plays an important role in electrolysis. It is important to distinguish thermodynamic parameters such as stable and unstable, and kinetic parameters such as inert and labile. These terms refer to stability. Nickel and chromium cyanide complexes like [Ni (CN)4]2- and [Cr (CN)6]3- are (extremely) thermodynamically stable. Unlike kinetically inert compounds, thermodynamically stable coordination compounds become very difficult to break a bond or ligand during electrolysis.


Silver and copper cyanide baths possess good throwing power because of the presence of simple cyanides like sodium or potassium cyanide. Cyanide ions during electrolysis effects total polarization. The concentration polarization increases at the cathode interface because electrolysis liberates cyanide ions. The concentration polarization and cathode current efficiency work in tandem and distribute electrodeposition based on primary and secondary current distributions factors. This behavior is a part of tertiary current distribution phenomenon

Ni and Cr are not incomparable with their limitations. Platinum and gold have unique advantages and restrictions. Like Cu and Ag, brass plating containing cyanide ions produce beautiful deposit colour. In aqueous electrolysis Cu, Zn, Ag Cd deposits differ from Ti, Zr, V Nb. These points emphasize distinct properties and limitations of elements, chemicals and media (aqueous or ionic).


The short paper does not offer a solution or recommend an alternate method. It explains the fundamental benefits of cyanide ions and distinguishes unique elements of the periodic table like Ni and generates an awareness on their chemical properties.

Understanding the characteristics of an element, position in the periodic table, and their chemical properties are important to research scientists and advanced engineers.

If you are a scientist formulating a bath recipe or a forward-thinking engineer choosing a process to meet deposit characteristics’ fundamental concepts, advantages and limitations are important to understand.

This learning will take full advantage of the prospect or prevent an issue in the long-term.

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Electronics Manufacturing through Reel to Reel Plating | Advint Incorporated

How to Write an Effective Operating Procedure for Surface Finishing Applications

On complex and large manufacturing applications of electroplating, conversion coating, anodizing and painting writing a good operating procedure is essential. There is disparity in our practices within the industry. The standard to write a procedure change based on the region, industry, the sector, an engineer and the management. On most cases there are opportunities for improvement and the performing team in some ways reflect on the effectiveness of the operation procedure (s).

Many applicators encounter one or more challenges given below:

  • Variations in analytical variables
  • Unexpected equipment breakdowns
  • Effects of product non-conformances and its influence on delivery
  • Delayed implementation of an operative task

None of these are challenges if one has abundant resources and time! But we require lean processes and fewer resources to compete in the market. Writing a good standard operating procedure is the foundation to overcome these challenges. This short paper adds colour on three important attributes of an exemplary procedure and highlights the benefits.

connector plating gold


The writer must use simple future tense, active voice and be direct on the departmental and standard operating procedures. The document must be lucid and must have all pertinent information in order and most information must be available in a single read. A reader will find an added value from Advint’s short paper on concise communications released on June 01, 2019.


The written (standard and departmental) operating procedures must be complete. What completes mean? It is subjective. Correct? While the meaning is different to all, at a rudimentary level, it must be complete for the purpose and the scope of the particular operating procedure. A procedure become redundant and a formality, when we provide only select information and allow the user to interpret or draw individual conclusions and perform the tasks accordingly. This is a source for variation and one should take cognizance!

A surface finishing operation involves the design of a process, equipment and product flow. Many manufacturing tasks possess several variables, and when touched by people it produces different results. Standardization is the solution. Examples of the tasks are processing products, electrolyte make up, optimization and control, execution of total productive maintenance (TPM), product quality and functional testing, and characterization. Writing individual tasks for all the mentioned examples in a chronological order and identifying required resources, supplies and accessories will ensure the procedure is complete.  Providing control and reaction plan for deviations on expected and historical behaviors will strengthen the procedure.

Complete does not mean excessive. Unnecessary information will decrease attention and encourage readers to minimize referencing the procedure.

A procedure gets authority when a reader refers to it with interest

We do not require staff to remember all the contents, all they need to know is, what and where the sought-after information is available.


Revise the procedure on every critical opportunity. Involve the user in the revision process.

Be explicit in your communication to the user that their input is valuable, and it is the joint responsibility to ensure that the procedure is valid and complete

On Sep 01, 2019 Advint on its short paper recommended 6 Process Development & Control (PDC) tools. A revision must extend from the learnings of the PDC analysis. When we precisely perform the operative task and use non-conformance as an opportunity for firming up the procedure, we can minimize variation.


Clarity is vital. Good procedure confirms clarity to the operating personnel. It reduces surprise, and the time spent. It increases value and reduces cost. This starts with the author putting emphasis on the readers above themselves. A written document may not realize its high point on the first go, but targeting for a complete procedure on every single opportunity and sustaining on the revisions will aid the most important satisfaction–that is employee satisfaction and thereafter the customers’. True employee satisfaction is the effect of good design, even product flow and less variation.

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Concise Communications and High-Volume Plating

What does the Use of Periodic Table Mean to Electroplaters

Periodic Table

A profound analysis of periodic table will help ardent electroplating professionals understand the effectiveness of the deposition of elements from the outlook of electrode potential, current efficiency, and the deposit characteristics. Use of the table provides added knowledge and supports to decipher the precise information swiftly.

As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of periodic table, we will dedicate this short paper on the properties of elements and their position in the periodic table. Regarding electroplating of elements and alloys there are a few significant relationships with the groups and periods of the table. Though these are important for all plating specialists, it particularly interests those involved in research and formulation of an electrolyte and the alloy deposit.

Here are some properties:


The presence or absence of water affects the plateability and the current efficiency of the deposit. Chromium, the group 6 element of periodic table is a good example. Ability to plate Cr using the aqueous (presence of water) chromic acid-based electrolyte is an exception. Low current efficiency property of the electrolyte shows the reason for the struggle. On other hand, one can conveniently plate neighboring elements like Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Mo and W using ionic liquid (absence of water) electrolyte, with other challenges.

Position of elements:

The position of elements in the table and their properties are insightful. The position and proximity with each other can also help determine suitable alloying elements. On another point, let us look at indium, tungsten and boron. The relevant properties of this example are hardness and melting point. The position and the properties of these elements seen with their respective neighboring elements will show a trend.

Oxide (passive) layer:

The group of elements in the table say a lot about the oxide layer of the metal or the deposit. Examples are Ti, Ta, W and Cr. The formation of an oxide layer protects the metal from corrosion and make it tough to form an adherent deposit using the conventional electrolytes. Electrode and decomposition potentials of these elements also contribute significantly towards effective plating or the challenges thereof.

piece of nickel on periodic table of elements

There are nearly 35 elements suitable for plating and their effective deposits offer a unique and superior properties. But aqueous electrolytes can conveniently plate only ≤ 20 elements (read metals) and alloys. Certain ionic liquid formulations can electroplate all or most of the 35 elements. We will discuss the reasons and mechanism of ionic plating in another short paper. Looking at the elements in groups and periods of the periodic table will offer unique understanding on plateability and desired functional properties such as corrosion resistance, tribology, and electrical conductivity.

Refractory elements, precious metals, sacrificial protection metals, and conductive ions (cations) are in proximity among their groups on the periodic table. They are in decreasing or increasing order within the groups or periods.

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Periodic review of the periodic table will enable electroplating professionals strengthen their understanding on the feasibility and properties of the deposit. Greater effort to interpret different properties are definitely worth it!

Experts Overemphasized Plating Troubleshooting Guides

Creating suspense is the best way to improve customer dissatisfaction. Unpredictability is a no lesser means towards employee dissatisfaction. Dependence on a plating troubleshooting guide helps these two effects.

Why this topic?

Many Advint’s short paper readers know I consistently write on various electroplating topics for the last several months. I am also meticulously writing a course book covering all subjects related to plating. While working on these I noticed many books and articles written by consultants and experts in the past concentrated more than required on the troubleshooting guide. My mind questioned the need. And, I was musing rather shouldn’t the emphasis be on the preventative measures and good operating practices! Hence this article.

The aim is to change the direction and stress the importance of development concepts. If I do not convince you, build a large, complex, and automated plating line (plating on plastics or on Ti alloys) and come back to this thought!

Troubleshooting guides are a treasure:

The author does not aim to belittle the value of a troubleshooting guide. The focus is only on conditions where there was more implicit importance on the troubleshooting guide and less on the use of development and control tools. This is analogous to leaving the head and chasing the tail. The author had used guides (long back, not any more) and cherished the experts (and plating consultants) who wrote them. Those are valuable and must be handy, but we must use as a last option. The focus on development and control will ensure you forget the art of troubleshooting (which is a good thing). Sounds good. But how?

Process Development Control (PDC) Tools:

Advint recommends using the set of 6 Process Development Control (PDC) tools in sequence and in a cycle.

The tools are:

1) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

2) Process Checklist

3) Variable Control Charts

4) Measures of Dispersion Variation

5) Pareto Chart

6) Cause and Effect Analysis

The listed tools are part of 7 quality control (QC) tools or statistical process control (SPC) tools. Most 7 QC or SPC tools are neither control nor statistical tools. Both terms are misnomers. A few is development and verification tools.


Quality specialists recommend starting a new unit / product or a line with a design FMEA and after a year or two conduct a process FMEA. When a process is in production mode, we recommend implementing process FMEA once a year or once in two years. No less or no more! Conducting proper FMEA’s are valuable, however it is an intense process. On processes such as automotive plastic chrome plating, FMEA is indispensable.

Process Checklist:

The purpose of the checklist is not to provide a path-breaking solution or to prevent a major potential production issues, but a few simple and frequent checks will subtly help mitigate oversights. We recommend revising the checklist once in six months or a year. The revision must include deleting redundant checks and including necessary inspections based on the feedback received from other tools and production effectiveness.

Variable Control Charts:

When you require a variable to meet only specification limit, we recommend using a run chart, and when you require a variable to meet specification and control limits, use an X-Bar R chart. One must be careful to give more emphasis on control limits when using X-Bar R charts. These charts are only effective when it set up per Dr. Shewhart’s direction and with a control and reaction plan.

Measures of Dispersion Variation:

Examples of measures of dispersion and variation are sample and population standard deviations, range, and process sigma or standard normal distribution. Sustained observations and effective reactions to these measures are influential. We can do most of these measurements on input variables such as analyses data.

Pareto Chart:

Use Pareto’s the 80/20 concept and Juran’s “the vital few and the trivial many” thinking to your benefit on plating or conversion coating applications. Periodically, we recommend isolating top 1 or 2 defect variables and conducting a cause-and-effect analysis. Review period can be monthly or quarterly based on production or quality standards. Refer to our previous post for additional information on Pareto chart.

Cause and Effect Analysis:

You can run fishbone or 5 Why’s analysis on Pareto classifications in the same frequency. Other than Pareto classifications, we also recommend running 5 Why’s on other deviations promptly. Here, promptly means = 2 business days. The examples of deviations include quality, customer service, environment, safety, breakdown maintenances (electrical, mechanical, and chemical), etc. You must subject any deviations which you do not feel right to the cause-and-effect analysis.

There are other beneficial quantitative techniques and total quality management tools, including 7 quality control (QC) tools available, which we did not mention in this paper. On plating, anodizing, and conversion coatings applications we recommend applicators to use the six PDC tools implemented in sequence and continuously cycle for the best results.

Use of some of these tools are not as simple as it appears, as there are tricks and there are several variables intricately involved. Advint is with you on your quality quest.

Refer to other short papers on this site or contact adviser@theadvint.com for questions or further insights.

End Point:

Employee satisfaction is a prerequisite for customer satisfaction. Eliminating suspense and confirming the processes are predictable using 6 PDC tools will increase satisfaction. Always keep the plating troubleshooting guide handy, but dependence or frequent use is detrimental. Prevention is better than disposition. Good operating practices and focus on the development efforts can ensure you forget the art of troubleshooting. So influential are these tools.

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Innovative Plastic Plating Techniques | Advint Incorporated

Repeatable & Reproducible Electroless Plating

Reproducible Electroless Plating img

Electroless Ni-P and Ni-B process management had improved significantly within the last two decades. In this paper I’ll write about the science of autocatalytic plating as practiced now and the criterions for advancement at a higher level.

The purpose is to offer reader’s deeper information to achieve consistent deposit physical characteristics and the functional properties of electroless nickel plating.

We will go over the functions of a reducing agent, stabilizer (or catalytic inhibitor), and complexing agent related to thermodynamic property of an electrolyte and mixed potential theory.

scanning electron microscope

Temperature (energy), electrolyte flow (current density), solution volume, and the concentrations balance determine the effectiveness of the deposition mechanism and consistency of the deposit in the long term. Gibbs free energy and its relationship with volume, temperature, and energy influence the required concentrations and ratios of a reducing agent, stabilizer, and the complexing agent. An understanding of Gibbs ∆G value with the stability, instability and absolute stability of the electrolyte is imperative. Per mixed potential theory, the deposition reaction is a combination of cathodic and anodic partial reactions taking place at separate electrodes. Redox potentials of sodium hypophosphite, dimethyl amine borane (DMAB), and sodium borohydride play a significant role in a reduction step and the concentrations of stabilizers and complexing agents.

To confirm sustained deposit characteristics, electrolysis mechanism and control or management of by products release are important. Geometrical properties such as

  • tank and pump design,
  • electrolyte volume, flow rate and pattern,
  • process control of temperature, pH, metal ion concentration, reducing agent, stabilizer, and complexing agent

will ensure stability.

When Gibbs free energy and partial electrode reactions (anodic and cathodic) are within the optimum range plating rate, deposit composition (Ni and P or B weight percentages), and formation of uniform eutectic compounds of Ni-P or Ni-B will be effective and consistent.

Corrosion and tribology properties depend on the consistency of the deposit composition and phase formation. Out of range ∆G value can lead to unstable or absolute stability of the electrolyte. This will lead to either electrolyte decomposition or very low plating rate. The concentrations of a reducing agent, stabilizer, and the complexing agent determine the stability of the electrolyte. Plating rate depends on electrolyte temperature and pH.


Other than simple control and changes done to temperature and chemical constituents, due diligence on the following variables considering the aforementioned concepts will advance the attained deposit characteristics:

  1. Optimize tank design, flow pattern and temperature stratification
  2. Aim for consistent deposit composition
  3. Observe deposit phase formation and aim for consistency if it is economically viable.

One can improve the bath life and the effectiveness of any deposit by giving more attention to the fundamental concepts and conscientiousness on the input variables. 

Though the examples cited in this paper are for electroless Ni, the recommendations apply to all electroless processes including Cu, Ag, Pd, Au, etc.

Readers – You are welcome to post questions, comments or thoughts.

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Pulse Aluminum Anodizing for Energy Efficiency | Advint Incorporated

Concise Communications and High-Volume Plating


Succinct articulation of information on high volume, automatic and complex plating operations are essential as there are many moving parts. A great communicator is a good human and leader, who possesses cognitive empathy for their readers or followers and colleagues. He or she will also know the importance of the receiver’s absorption of the message.

There are three types of communications within a plating operation:

  1. Operating procedures
  2. Written informal operating instructions (i.e. emails and uncontrolled document displays)
  3. Verbal delivery of information

Lengthy, convoluted, and incomplete procedures defeat the purpose of its creation and existence. One should not consider writing instructions as a piece of an article to show the skills of the author, rather must shift the emphasis on the readers.


Here are a few factors influencing communication:

  • The knowledge delta between the author and the readers on a particular subject.
  • Output consistency demand and reader(s) turnover.
  • Verbose communication:
    • Eases error and rework and enhances dissatisfaction.
    • Encourages a selective reading and favorable interpretation of the message.

Before we look at the qualities of good communication, let us reminisce what two stalwarts of our times had said on this subject.

Nobel Laurette Herbert Simon once said, “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention”. 

Albert Einstein related the concise expression of thought to one’s understanding of the particular subject. He said, “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.

From the readers’ perspective, ‘focus’ is an important habit, and one shall acquaint themselves on the (focusing) ability of mercurial John Maynard Keynes.

Now, dive deeper and answer the below questions:

  1. Is concise expression alone enough?
  2. Don’t people forget?
  3. What is important to the author, and the reader is it always aligned?
  4. Don’t our priorities change?
  5. Doesn’t information retention power differ between people?

Here I propose a few characteristics of good communication and leave it in your able hands:

  • Enhance empathy for the reader or the follower.
  • Avoid halo effect – don’t assume and allow individual interpretation of information
  • Ensure the information is orderly, complete and easy to understand.
  • Be unambiguous about your openness to a timely revision of the procedure(s).
  • Ensure the receiver understand and agree with the message.
  • Customize information suitable to the receivers.
  • Revise, revise, revise….

After these steps, make communications accessible (visible and visual) and periodically (and proactively) reiterate the information.

Finally, in a plating operation, the operating procedures must be complete, concise, and continuously revised to reflect the present requirements. Understanding the influence and effect of empathy and focus is imperative.

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A Few Tips for Advanced Platers


Several Advint’s blog readers had asked for more information on fundamental terms of electroplating such as electromotive force (emf) and electrode potential.

Transition elements of group 11 (Cu, Ag Au) and group 6 (Cr, Mo W) exhibit different current distribution properties mainly because of electrode potential and specific conductance.

Current Distribution Properties are the attributes of:

  1. ion-ion interactions,
  2. electrode kinetics,
  3. thermal reaction,
  4. Gibb’s free energy, and
  5. electrolyte dissociation.

Why are these electrochemical properties relevant to industrial electroplating professionals?

Deposit properties such as throwing power depend on shape and contour of the cathode component, the surface area ratio of anode and cathode, the distance between anode and cathode, and electrolyte conductance. Let us see how are these related to current distribution and the scientists behind a few critical theoretical concepts.

Types of current distribution:

  • There are three types of current distribution–primary, secondary, and tertiary.
  • The resistance at the electrode interface affects primary current distribution.
  • The resistance of the solution affects secondary current distribution.
  • Polarization of the electrolyte because of the presence of organic chemicals like aromatic and aliphatic compounds and cyanide affects tertiary current distribution.

During 1889 Arrhenius explained the influence of temperature on the chemical reaction, and Julius Tafel during 1905 explained the influence of electric potential on the electrolysis. J.A.V Butler and Max Volmer’s subsequent findings might have enabled Hull cell design and formula, as these comprehend primary and secondary current distribution properties. It ​also ​relates Arrhenius (1887) interpretation of electrolyte dissociation, equilibrium, and the concentration of the respective metal ions to electrode potential and influences current distribution property (throwing power).

Practical Benefits:

There are many terms, concepts, and characteristic benefits given in the previous paragraphs. Let us make practical sense of it and relate using two examples of plating electrolytes–one which offers an exceptional and another poor throwing power.


Cyanide silver plating electrolyte possesses good throwing power property and hexavalent chromium plating electrolyte possesses poor throwing power property. We all know the properties. But what one needs to consider is the property range within any electrolyte. The mere use of electrolyte type, cation, and anion or a formulation does not ensure an effective property, such as throwing power. There is always an effective operating range, and I know you would want to maximize the potential. Correct?

This thought propels a deeper understanding of the concepts explained earlier in this blog. Now, let us get back to the cited examples–cyanide silver plating and hexavalent chromium plating. Silver plating possesses the unique deposit properties because of electrode potential, presence of simple cyanide ion, lower temperature, and electrolyte dissociation. Hexavalent chromium plating process performance is because of electrode potential (insoluble anode), higher temperature, presence of a catalyst (SO4), and dissociation.

Finally, on any deposition process, if you are looking to optimize current distribution properties focus on electrode potential, electrolyte conductance, temperature, anion and cation type, dissociation and equilibrium, and polarization.

To further simplify, consider the following actions:

  1. Optimize anode-cathode surface area and ratio (including auxiliary anode)
  2. Identify and control electrochemical and chemical parameters within a narrow specification range.

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Rhodium Plating Techniques | Advint Incorporated

The Science of Electroplating Cleaners

Electroplating Cleaners img

Evolution of Cleaner Formulations in the Industry

Formulating cleaners such as alkaline soak cleaner and electro cleaner are imperative, though not as significant and lucrative as formulating plating baths containing primary and secondary brightener systems.

Unlike quite a few decades ago, current cleaner formulations contain methodically investigated inorganic and organic ingredients which are effective and comply with the environmental regulations. 

Different sectors and industries use solvent, alkaline soak and electro cleaners uniquely. Does the industrial practice catch up with scientific advancement? Good formulations are available! Did the market seize the opportunity?

This blog highlights the value of a good cleaner, identifies a simple step in choosing a cleaner, and list a few potential ingredients and their properties.

A carefully chosen cleaner can remove organic residues from the substrate thoroughly. Decrease the cleaning time and (or) improve cleanliness. Cut cost by increasing the cleaner life and minimize environmental impact.

Go over a material safety data sheet (MSDS) to select a cleaner, however, a proprietary chemical supplier could throw a curve ball. Section 2 of an MSDS must contain hazardous ingredient listed with Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number and the concentration. The reader can find specific CAS related information on this link.

Team of Medical Research Scientists Work on a New Generation Disease Cure. They use Microscope, Test Tubes, Micropipette and Writing Down Analysis Results. Laboratory Looks Busy, Bright and Modern.

Before considering the inorganic and organic ingredients, process owner must know their processes and supply chain well. Knowing and considering the substrate(s) and their corrosion properties in most cases are explicit. Sometimes information is hidden and implicit on aspects such as oils, lubricants, and kinds of paraffin used. Application time, heat treatment (if applicable) and their intricate factors on some instances might not be clear. Source and purity of water, properties such as temporary and permanent hardness are vital for the makeup of cleaner solution and rinsing.

Alkalinity, buffer, water softening, chelation, and surface tension are a few important solution properties to observe. The process owner should assess the presence and concentrations of sodium hydroxide, carbonate, phosphate, silicate, amines, and surfactants and relate to the application (s). A surfactant can be anionic, non-ionic and (or) amphoteric. It changes the surface tension and wettability of the solution.

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Briefly put, irrespective of reasons and justifications, focussing on cleaners and improving the cleaning performance is worth the effort and not a hard nut to crack using the listed suggestions. 

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