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Posts About Aluminum Anodizing

Are you seeking innovative solutions to enhance your anodizing process while reducing energy consumption? Look no further than pulse anodizing – a cutting-edge technique that promises to transform your operations.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of pulse anodizing, exploring its techniques, benefits, and practical implementation strategies.


Advint's Supply Chain Power Supply: Unlocking Precision and Flexibility

At the heart of pulse anodizing lies Advint's Supply Chain Power Supply, a state-of-the-art system designed to deliver unparalleled control and versatility.


This advanced power supply boasts an array of impressive features:

Programmable Control Interface: Offering precision and flexibility, this interface allows you to fine-tune your anodizing process with ease.


Regulation Modes: Encompassing constant current, constant voltage, and cross-over modes, ensuring optimal performance across various applications.


Low Frequency Pulse (LFP) Output: Generating DC to 200 Hz pulses with a minimum pulse width of 4 ms ON and 1 ms OFF, enabling precise control over the anodizing process.


Connectivity: Equipped with an RS485 serial port and USB port, facilitating seamless host control and integration.


Forced Air Cooling System: Ensuring optimal performance through efficient cooling mechanisms.


With performance specifications that include line and load regulation within +/- 1% of the setting or 0.1% of the maximum rating, digital meter accuracy of +/- 1% plus the least significant digit (L.S.D.), temperature stability of 0.2% after a 15-minute warm-up, and ripple less than 1% RMS of the maximum output voltage, Advint's Supply Chain Power Supply delivers uncompromising quality and reliability.


Pulse Anodizing in Existing Anodizing Lines: Maximizing Efficiency

Implementing pulse anodizing in your existing anodizing lines can yield significant energy savings and process improvements. 


Here are some key considerations:

Energy Efficiency: Pulse anodizing has the potential to reduce energy consumption by at least 30%, contributing to cost savings and environmental sustainability.


Baseline Analysis: Establish a comprehensive understanding of your current energy consumption and process parameters to identify areas for optimization.


System Upgrades: Upgrade cooling systems and busbars to accommodate higher current densities, ensuring seamless integration of pulse anodizing technology.


Energy Calculations: Conduct thorough energy calculations, comparing conventional and pulse anodizing processes, to quantify potential savings and justify the investment.


Mastering Pulse Anodizing Parameters

To harness the full potential of pulse anodizing, it's crucial to understand and optimize the key parameters:


Higher Current Density: By leveraging higher current densities, pulse anodizing reduces overall process time, enhancing efficiency and productivity.


Flexible Conditions: Pulse anodizing allows you to alternate between two direct current values, enabling precise control over the anodizing process.


Example Parameters: Typical parameters include high and low voltage levels, as well as their respective current densities, tailored to your specific requirements.


First Experiments: Paving the Way for Success

As with any new technology, pulse anodizing requires careful experimentation and optimization. Initial trials conducted with pulsating current, and voltage have revealed challenges, such as addressing burning issues during current-controlled experiments. By overcoming these hurdles through meticulous testing and adjustment, manufacturers can unlock the full potential of pulse anodizing.


Theoretical Introduction to Pulse Anodizing: Unraveling the Science

To truly appreciate the power of pulse anodizing, it's essential to understand the underlying theoretical principles:


Alternating Voltage/Current: By alternating between high and low voltage or current levels, pulse anodizing optimizes the anodizing process, enhancing efficiency and quality.


Barrier Layer Formation: The barrier layer formation adjusts dynamically to the applied voltages, impacting the oxide layer formation and overall anodizing process.


Recovery Period: During the low voltage or current phase, a recovery period allows for chemical dissolution, reducing the barrier layer thickness and enabling higher current densities.


Influencing Factors: Factors such as alloy composition, electrolyte concentration, and temperature play crucial roles in determining the effectiveness of pulse anodizing.

Pulse & Periodic Reverse Current Anodizing DC Rectifiers

Process Advantages: Efficiency, Customization, and Sustainability

Pulse anodizing offers a multitude of advantages that set it apart from conventional anodizing methods:


Efficiency: By leveraging higher current densities and optimized processes, pulse anodizing delivers superior efficiency, reducing processing time and increasing productivity.


Customization: With the ability to customize pulse patterns, manufacturers can tailor the anodizing process to meet the specific requirements of different alloys, ensuring consistent and high-quality results.


Sustainability: By significantly reducing energy consumption, pulse anodizing contributes to environmental sustainability, aligning with modern manufacturing practices and corporate social responsibility initiatives.


Embrace the Future of Anodizing with Pulse Anodizing

Pulse anodizing stands as a game-changer in the world of anodizing, offering unparalleled efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability.

By understanding and implementing the techniques outlined in this guide, manufacturers can achieve superior results, reduce energy consumption, and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive and environmentally conscious market.


Transform your anodizing process today with pulse anodizing – where innovation meets efficiency, and sustainability becomes a driving force for success. 

For more detailed insights, technical specifications, and personalized solutions, consult with Advint's knowledgeable representatives and unlock the full potential of state-of-the-art anodizing technology.

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Anodization is an electrolytic oxidation process where a substrate is anodic and the process forms a thick oxidized layer. We commonly refer to anodizing and chemical conversion coatings as light metal finishing. Aluminium, because of electromotive force (emf) series and emf potential, is a thermodynamically reactive metal and the most frequently anodized metal. We can anodize other metal alloys and there are several types and classes of anodization. In this short paper, let us look at the basics of anodization with specifics and a visual.


Anodized Metals

Other than aluminum, we can anodize magnesium, titanium, zinc and tantalum.



Anodization is a low cost and low maintenance application. Sectors such as aerospace, space, hardware and automotive industries, cookware, and mobile devices like cell phone use this process.


Types and Classes

Anodization possess good covering power, excellent adhesion, and is hard and scratch resistant. It finds applications on outdoor, architectural, and as a hard coat on engineering purposes. It is used to improve adhesion before painting. Aluminium and other refractory metals possess natural barrier layers, but anodized thickness layer is much thicker.

There are three types – 1, 2 and 3 and two classes – 1 and 2. The chemicals and thickness distinguish the type and class, and they are specific to applications.

We regularly use sulphuric acid on type 2 on both conventional and hard aluminum anodizing applications. Chromic acid, boric acid, and tartaric acid are used for Al anodization. Tartaric acid is one of the most environmentally friendly acids, whereas REACH and alike agencies identify chromic acid and boric acid (potential) as hazardous. Boric Sulfuric Acid Anodizing (BSAA) and Tartaric Sulphuric acid Anodising (TSA) are replacing chromic acid for the aforesaid cause. We can seal the anodized layers. Aluminum anodized resists chemicals between 4 and 8.5 pH, and they are good insulators.

Note: There are proprietary and non proprietary anodizing formulations available in the market.



Industry offers several colours of anodized layers like black, grey, pink gold, silver, copper tone, bronze, pewter, red, blue, clear and a few others. Dyes or pigments are used to colour the anodized layers before sealing and drying. Note, colouring and sealing are optional and on many applications are not preferred.


Processing Sequences

Cleaning, deoxidizing, etching, brightening, de-smutting, anodizing, colouring (dyes or pigments), sealing (DI water, organics and di-chromates) and drying.


Anodized Layer Thickness

The thickness of conventional anodizing layer range between 17 and 30 microns. Chromic acid anodizing and anodizing done on outdoor applications have much lesser thickness range - ~ 5µ. Thickness of hard aluminum anodized layer are ~ 4 mils.


Current Density

We can conduct conventional anodization at 12 ASF (~18 – 24V), between 10 and 60 minutes at 70ºF electrolyte temperature. We can conduct hard anodizing at > 25 V, and between 24 and 36 ASF.



This paper gives a simple outline of anodizing process for novices in the industry. Use the infographic to get quick information on the process and at a later month Advint will write an elaborate paper on this subject for forward-thinking users.


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